Thursday, July 1, 2010

Broken camera...

I would like to blame our newly destroyed camera for my lack of posting, but I"m afraid I have simply just been lazy. Otherwise known as a writers block. Not that I haven't had tons to write about...In fact just today we had our bees swarm into our neighbors tree, about 60 feet in the air. Ricky climbed about 50ft up before having to abort the rescue mission. These are the days I am very much missing the camera!! Much has been going on, even if I have been on a little hiatus. Hopefully I can rectify my slump. Here are a few updates that surrounded Oscar's 8th birthday in may.
Grandma and grandpa came to visit..
Grandpa turned 20...I think that is how many candles were on the cake.
O'man got baptized. It was a very special day for all of us. He really is one great boy.

Oscar is officially a scout!! He couldn't be more excited. I was lucky enough to hang out at day camp with him in the very rainy 40 degree weather. Yeah, it was fun.
For his birthday Cake he ordered a lemon custard, chocolate pudding, chocolate whip cream pie. It was surprisingly tasty.

Overall things are well. We are enjoying the summer (with the lack of real summer temperatures) but otherwise happy to have the kids home from school for the summer and busy playing.
life is good!