Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Dragon Action!

The Night Oscar wore his dragon suit and made mischief of one kind...and another...and another...and another. His mother grabbed the camera and caught it on digital!
With your mouse on the scroll-down bar...pull down quickly to see the Oscar dragon in action! This was his evening entertainment. Dad was at scouts tonight so Lil'O had to provide his own action.
However fierce this dragon may appear...I should note that after the removal of the "dragon suit" and donning his PJ's, his request was to read his new favorite book...Snow White. Things aren't always what they seem.


OW said...

Snow White?! I told you you should have named that kid bubba...JK.
I think they need a dose of grandparents. How about next week, and the month after?
Can't wait

Abby Norman said...

Snow white??? That's amazingly funny.

I love the fact that Smiley is just dozing off in those pictures...doesn't care about the commotion.

mummy said...

Thanks for the valentines chocolate and pictures. I'm hidding the chocolate in a secret place. I may give some hints to OW like -underware, yes, under there.

shorter sis said...

Can you get Oscar to bring the dragon suit with him? I'll talk him into wearing it when grandma takes him skiing.