Sunday, February 4, 2007


Yesterday the Edgie Family went skiing at this small ski hill named Snowhaven in Grangeville, ID. It has one T-bar lift and one Rope-tow. We purchased two adult lift passes, one kid and one adult ski rental. All for under $50. It's not exactly a ski hill that the our Utah readers would envy...but for us it was great.
This was Oscar's first attempt at downhill skiing. At first Rick took him down the Rope-Tow and he and Oscar both hated it and Rick checked his skis back in.
I for once was actually the voice of reason and got the skis back so he could try "one more time". Four hours later Oscar was skiing like a pro! Ok, maybe not a pro, but he could go all the way down the rope-tow hill without holding onto me.
I actually can't take the credit though. Rick kept working with him (with Poppy sleeping on his back). After discovering he could actually put weight on his skis..he loved it!
By the end of the day Poppy had exploded in her diaper two times and we had to leave so we could find another diaper. Oscar was sad to leave the hill. He asked if we could come back tomorrow.
After purchasing some diapers for the Popster we went and ate dinner at "Oscar's Restaurant". They even let him take a pen home that said "Oscar's Restaurant".
With babies back in the car, purchasing a binki, and stopping 2 times for Oscar to pee. We traveled back to home (it's a 2hr drive).
When we were back in the car Oscar said "Dad I feel like I'm skiing!!!". Remember that feeling you get when you are finished roller skating or skiing? Oscar thought that was pretty cool.
Lastly, the pic at the top of Miss Poppy...She is adorned in the newly knitted scarf and hat that the the lovely Betina created for her. They are so adorable and Betina did such a great job!


Tanner's Tales said...

You guys have such fun adventures. We are hoping we will be able to make it up sometime this summer to visit. Keep having fun!

Old Warrior said...

Nice pics of the kids and the Momma L! Rick-do I see knickers and free heels? Free the feel, free the mind?
Looks like f-u-n!

Abby Norman said...

That looks like so much fun! Good job having some fun! Man...when I visit you guys, give me a scooter, and I can have all the adventure I can muster.

A. Buchanan said...

totally awesome guys...we are going to solitude tomorrow, were going to switch off watching ryan in the lodge...

Jamison Fischer said...

You are correct, O.W. - "free the heel and the mind will follow" and such. Knickers cause I can.

younger shorter sis said...

Popster is entirely too cute! I can't wait to see you. And if we get snow I bet Grandma will take Oscar skiing at the park!