Sunday, August 10, 2008

Oh, so good...and Oh, so bad

When Pregnant I develop this strange relationship with food. At first I hate ALL of it. Nothing is good everything is bad, and if I'm not careful the food may remain on the Black list for a very long, long time...
I then seem to go into transition where food becomes something of a obsession...In fact I clearly remember (and Ricky does too) that when I was pregnant with Oscar we went on a date to a Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant (a buffet, salad bar type joint). You take a plate and fill it with whatever you like and then take a seat and eat.
After getting my food and sitting down to the table Rick looked at me, looked at the plate, and said "Are you really going to eat all of that?"
At that very moment I had no clue that my plate was actually THAT full. In fact if I recall, I remember eating ALL of it and then going to the little dessert bar for some tasty ice cream. I was in my second trimester, when I start to feel alive again and food tastes like you have never had good food before.
Shortly after this "date", my Doctor informed me that I had gained 9 lbs in ONE month. He said I should probrably watch what I was eating a little closer...

I share this experience, not so much to illustrate my complete loss of self control, but to put down on blog, a very important truth...Food never tastes SO good, and SO bad as when I am pregnant.
Case in point...Yesterday while at the Farmer's market, we collected our fresh veggies and proceeded to ride our bikes home.
Rick had picked up a few danishes to eat at a stopping point on the way home. For the entire 10 miles to that stopping point my mind wandered through various types of food I would have very much liked to have been shoving down my face at that very moment...Patty's kitchen tamales, burritos, the danish sitting in the trailer in front of me...the list goes on and on.
It was as though My mind was in a constant state of food lust.
When we finally stopped to enjoy the treat I was completely in foodie heaven...Never had I tasted a danish that was so delicious! It was light, fluffy with tart cherries and some heavenly creamy cheese middle. In fact as I sit here typing this, I find myself wishing it were not Sunday, and that I could venture over to Moscow to find another.
I may find myself at the Wheatberry bakery tomorrow after spin class, and I may also gain 10 lbs this month, but wow....they are delicious.

Next up is the delicious dinner we had last night. Ricky took me out to Swilly's (a local favorite) for our 8 yr anniversary (I'll post on that tomorrow).
For dinner I ordered come green curried trout, with a tomato-coconut curry sauce, placed over jasmine rice and green peas. Once again I ate every bite with a renewed love of fish and all things curry! Food was suddenly my best friend and I relished in every bite.

Yesterday was a good day...not too sick and overall wonderful. Had it not been each of those items could very well have ended up on my black list...

I'm sure it has something to do with teh old addage that "you have to have somthing bitter so that you can taste the sweet" that makes the whole fenomenon occur. In the mean time I'm really looking forward to briding the second trimester mark, where I'm past that nausea and all food tastes good, nearly every day...
Oh, and I'm certain to be craving those danishes for the next 6 months!!!


Jen said...

this post is SO true! it's funny how the whole thing works. i remember with kellen being so sick yet knowing that if i ate a pita from the pita pit, i'd be fine. the funny thing is that now, those pitas make me nauseated b/c all i can think of is how sick i felt then!
those danishes sound divine pregnant or not! I'M going to be dreaming of them soon!

JoAnna said...

I have to say I'm curious how my next bout with pregnancy goes, because with the last one I never really got sick over food. I just got sick if I didn't eat any... 3 hours was my max for going with out food. Well atleast in the end you have an amazing reward for all the bouts of sickness and being uncomfortable the majority of the time....

Betina said...

I am glad you are back on good terms with food. Now we can be friends again. :)

Suzie-Q said...

Oh what great memories you brought back. We love food at our house too, usually it is Rob that is so excited about it all. Before we knew we were having Caleb Rob and i went out to dinner and we were surprised when I finished everything on my plate and he couldn't finish his. that is how we guessed that Something must be wrong with me, I usaully can never eat that much!
I am glad I found your Blog by the way I am so excited to have anothe blog buddy!

Jen said...

hey, by the way- happy anniversary!!!

Beth said...

Eat, Eat and Eat!