Sunday, April 20, 2008


Rick-Do girls always talk this much?

As a preface to his inquiry, I should note that last fall Rick, Betina, and I took a road trip to Logan Utah to run the top of Utah marathon. During the drive (aprox. 11 hours) Rick was annoyed by Betina's and my constant banter. He couldn't believe that we could actually find something to talk about the ENTIRE trip.
We on the other hand, were not the least bit surprised. There are all sorts of things to chat about. None of which, seem to be forced conversation. To rick however, he cannot fathom having/enjoying, talking about so many things.
Last night we went to our Stake conference adult session with another couple (being green and car pooling). This other woman and I found all sorts of things to chat about on the 8 mile journey. Gardening, where we grew up, pregnancy, who our OBGYn's are. Where she will be delivering her baby this summer...etc.
The husbands were pretty much quite the entire ride. (no big surprise)
Now, I do not expect, nor could I imagine Rick discussing/sharing so much self divulging information, he is after all an engineer/lawyer. But I find it amusing that he cannot stand to be present while the rest of us do.
While some people sqwirm with silence, my dear husband delights in it. And I delight in him.
Although, I do not expect him to understand anytime soon, why it is that some people actually like talking to each other, rather than it being a chore.


Old Warrior said...

I seem to remember a 25 hour car trip with your hubby--I don't recall hours of conversation. We did talk about when to stop for gas/food/change drivers. Pehaps it was the ancient Corolla, no AC, 90 degree weather and the non-stop south wind. Nope--just that it was two guys of minimal words.

Nedge said...

I am more like Rick. Conversation is often a chore for me, I listen better than I talk, which is ironic.
My roommate can easily talk to her mom and dad an hour every night. Whereas I'm proud if I lasted 10 minutes!

...Maybe it's an Edge thing...

Traci said...

Brandon is the same way. He says I do all the talking for him!

Pen Drive said...

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Tanner's Tales said...

I think he gets it from his mom- he needs a list of things before hand to talk about :)

Jamison Fischer said...

Funny, Jennifer (at work) has been reminding Eric (another attorney in the office) and myself that the last week of April will be just the three of us in the office, and that we had better have things to talk about with her. I've been making a list for the last two weeks...

mummjy said...

I/m with rick all the way. I enjoy just being by myself and not having to think of stupid stuff to say. Actually I don't mind being around family because they already know I say stupid stuff and I don't feel any pressure to talk, well accept on the phone

Mamma Letty said...

I did remind him that there are several males that we know who are just as talkative as other females. I don't think it necessarily falls on gender lines. Mostly just personalities.

JoAnna said...

I find it interesting to see how people view one thing so differently. I am truly astounded by how the same situation can be interpreted two totally different ways. It just goes to show us that what one person thinks isn't always what another person will think. I am like you as well, in that I enjoy fun banter and chatting like that of which you described. My husband on the other hand is quite the opposite. He will only indulge in a conversation if it something that he is intrigued in, and if it is not he will withdraw as far as possible. I find it so interesting. It most deffinetly must be a personality trait... and the one that run strong in our family is that of enjoying conversation. HAHAHA

Jamison Fischer said...

Typing too.
Brevity is the soul of wit.

Old Warrior said...

jamison--you implying that you have wit due to your limite vocabulary?

Jen said...

too funny- so true. girls can talk forever. kellen has been spending too much time with me lately- he is talking up a storm ALL THE TIME. except in the car. then i get "mommy- be quiet. i need listen to the car."