Friday, August 15, 2008

Eight years plus...

Eight Years ago today Ricky and I were on our honeymoon in Jackson Hole/Yellowstone National Park. I had forgotten to pack any sort of hiking shoes, and only had my Wedding dress wedge flip flops and my generic flip flops...not the best choices when you are planning an outdoors honeymoon. To make things worse my regular flip flops broke the first day and I managed to pick up some sort of illness that left me puking (no I was not pregnant).

My poor sweet husband I'm sure was wishing he could step back a day to find his more collected and level headed Fiance'. If he was in fact thinking this, he didn't show it one bit. He was supportive and bought me some Pepto-Bismal at the wee hours of the morning to calm my wrenching stomach.

After I believe three days of very low-scale hiking (yes we found a replacement pair of flip flops) we decided that it was time to head home...who cares if it was a couple of days early??? It seemed that the cure laid back in our humble little apartment.

This certainly wasn't the Honeymoon that story books are made of, but it was nice. It was nice because every day, trip and experience from that moment forward has just kept getting better. I can think of a hundred vacations that were more fitting of the typical honeymoon mold. Yet, I still hold on to that honeymoon as the beginning of something great.

I really can't think of anyone that could be a better fit than my Ricky (here is where he gags on my sentimentality) but really...I'm a happy girl, with a happy family, in a happy place. What more could I ask for. Life is good!!!

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Jen said...

i love that story. :) i also like your take on it as far as things just getting better from there...i gotta remember that when i look back on our own honeymoon!

and what a gorgeous bride! :)

Suzie-Q said...

what a great honeymoon. Our wedding night I was sick and Rob had to run get some medicine fromt he store for me. We also went to that area, Island Park for our little trip and Rob forgot his shaving stuff and toothbrush, I guess you could say he forgot his bathroom bag. Iam glad that we are not the only forgetful ones when on a honeymoon.

Betina said...

I love having friends who are happy in their marriages. It makes for such nice, happy people. COgratulations on another year together!

Traci said...

Love the memories! Thanks for sharing!

Beth said...

What a story! I can understand honeymoon problems, I started my period an hour after we were married!

You look so beautiful and haven't even changed an ounce!

Brian & Rena said...

It's crazy how the time just pass soo quickly isn't it! Brian and I will be 4 years in March! I just don't see how all the time has passed..