Monday, September 22, 2008

View from Oscar's lens

Smiley...from Oscar's view.

Poppy...whats with her dress ensemble?? Can you tell that she has her arm through a hole in the dress?
And because I am rarely the one in FRONT of the lens. Here is a semi picture of the forth-coming bump. I know not the best picture, but it was last Thursday and Oscar was picture happy, and I happened to be the subject.
I wonder if all of the pictures we have of me in years to come, will all be from my kids stealing the camera???

In other news on "the bump" I had my Dr. appointment last week and I got to hear the heart beat. The Doc said she would bet it is a boy because it was so squirmy (not that it IS a boy). Doc said she will put in her notes what SHE thinks it is, and since we don't actually like to find out, she will see if she is right...who knows???
She also gave me permission to run the half marathon next month, if I'm feeling up to it. She said the only risk is falling and that if I feel like I have the skills then I can do it...We shall see.


Blake and Maren said...

Oscar is so cute. It is fun to see what pictures he likes to take. You hardly have a baby bump. It will be interesting to see if the doctor is right.

What half marathon are you running? Make sure you are up to it. However, I am sure you will be.

Suzie-Q said...

He does a good job taking pictures. As for "the bump" (is that the nike name right now or is there something else we should call it?) you look great! You are going to be such a cute little preggy girl!

Jen said...

oscar is developing a talent! i loved the one of smiley! :) and bump? what? i'm looking hard at the picture and cannot believe this is your THIRD and you are barely showing! holy abs and core stability, collette! pilates is going to pay off incredibly when you hit that delivery room. :)
a half!! i'm jealous. you'll do great- you are so in tune with yourself that you'll manage just fine.