Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Way behind in the blog world...

Ummm...lentil chili. This is actually a post that should have been finished a week ago...alas my friends (my few readers) you get things a bit behind schedule these days.
The one thing that is VERY notable about the Lentil festival, is that it seemed to be the beginning of some better energy/not-so-nauseated days! I'm thinking it was the lentil chili. More scientific evidence will have to be conducted but really, after that lentil chili I have felt SIGNIFICANTLY better!
So much better, that I have actually gotten my Lazy rear off the couch, and have pick up my beloved past time of running.
I did have to recruit the newest locals to come support the cause of the lentil fest 5k. They were great sports and so fun to hang out with! I figured since I wasn't up for the 100k Tour de Lentil, I might as well run the 5k.
And as withl many of these small-town races, when you have a crappy race time and stick around for the awards, you discover that you actually placed 3rd your my age group! Not so bad for a prego-post morning sickness mom. Truly it was a pretty small pool...but it made me feel better. Maybe placing in my age group is the cure???
We then ventured down to the lentil festival parade and festivities. It was the first year we have actually experienced the ENTIRE lentil festival (short of the lentil pancake breakfast). Wyllie Gustafson was there, and if you have been a reader for a while you will already know that i am a lover of yodeling!!! And especially our local Yodeler. He was great and I loved watching Ricky and Poppy enjoy the music.
After Poppy's day of Lentil festivities you can see that snowcones, cotton candy, and parade candy to not make for a very nutricious diet. Thus the sugar low melt down.
This picture actually was her response to the lentil chili...do you think she liked it?

All good times at the lentil Festival. If you are ever in town in late August you'll have to stop by.


Old Warrior said...

Yes-I remember our one lentil festival and the Tour de Lentil. Had its ups and downs!

Suzie-Q said...

Glad you had a great time enjoying all those Lentils!
Good job with 5k! that is great!!

observer said...

Man! That dude dancing with Poppy, where did he get those LEGS!

Traci said...

I like lentil soup and so does H, I am just not sure about chili-lentil soup. I'm not huge chili fan!

Beth said...

Great job! You still have all that running in you! You would have never seen me running pregnant! I'm proud of you!

Jen said...

what a great day!!! :) fun 5k!

e.e. comings said...

Way to go on the run! It's been awhile since I've had time to read blogs! Congratulations on your latest pregnancy!! I'm excited for you...and hope that you are able to eat well for the rest of your pregnancy. (I feel lucky, I don't get really sick in the 1st trimester.) When are you due? Very exciting! We're loving our little Briggy (we named him Brigham, I'm sure Rick will roll his eyes over that one!). Hope all continues to go well.
I'm happy I'm able to run again!