Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year's Progress

(Oscar testing out his photographic skills, caught me on the phone while I was sewing)
Having a two week break from school has been fun, albeit a roller coaster of ups and downs. Oscar and Poppy LOVE each other so much one minute, and the next are constantly bickering and teasing one another.
I have found myself wrapping my arms around them and snuggling up with books to read, painting, sewing, cleaning, playing games, and a bunch of other activities, only to find myself in the very next moment, reproaching them for their intolerable annoyances of each other and myself.
Friday Oscar had a birthday party to attend and Poppy told me that she loved having the house to herself. I think the princess was relieved to have some time to just be by herself.
Tomorrow we go back to our normal schedule and to tell you the truth, I'm looking forward to it.

My eye has improved is a photo update as of today. Still lookin pretty green by my mouth.
This is a photo I took on New Year's Eve...If you wondering why I am always wearing this same sweater, it is because it is super comfy and fits over my expanding belly. I promise theses were different days. As for the sweater, to be honest, if you were to stop by here probably any day in the near future, you will find me adorned with it. I may have a clean shirt on underneath, but the goes nicely on top and keeps me nice and warm.
New Years eve we had a nice and quiet evening with just our family. We made some homemade ravioli with my new pasta roller I got for Christmas.
I rolled the dough while daddy and the tykes filled them. I believe we made about 100. We froze half of them and had them for dinner tonight. They were very delicious, although Poppy doesn't seem to be a fan.
We then let them watch Back to the future and we were all snuggled down to bed by about 10:30. Rick and I tried to stay up and watch Pirates of the Caribbean (#3) but I think because we never saw 2, we had no idea what was going on and we both fell asleep.
I don't feel bad one once about not staying up to usher in the new year. I suppose I figured i would get an hour and a half of extra sleep to prep myself for all that will await us this coming year.
A few things I'm looking forward to:
Baby related-
Getting this baby out!
Finding out what our baby will be, and what we will name it.
Seeing how our family adjusts to the new addition.
Finding out how I handle delivery #3

Trying to control myself from eating too many sweets so i don't have as much to loose post-baby.
Being able to run again (or bike).
Sleeping on my stomach.
Seeing how the orthodontic splint works, getting my jaw troubles under wraps.
Hopefully run another least a couple 1/2 marathons.

Snuggle my kids and really listen when they talk to me.
Focus on the important things.
Challenge them and give them praise for their accomplishments.
Be tough when they need it.

Cook with fewer experimental meals, especially if they involve squash or curry.
Organize a few of the kitchen drawers.
Be flexible with the new-beekeeping plans.

Overall I just hope to put one foot in front of teh other and seriously take eachday and be grateful for what I have.
Oh, and becasue I really won't keep track of this list, nor will I mark off any of them (ok maybe the baby ones) I have chosen a new word for the year. The "word" that will sit in the back of my mind and keep me thinking about all of these wonderful aspirations is : Embrace!
I hope to embrace what I have been given and embrace all the good and bad that comes our way, with as much clarity and purpose as I can muster. Even if I get a broom handle plummeled into my nose!
Cheers to all and I wish you a wonderful new Year!


Suzie-Q said...

I am feeling the same way about my kids! I think Caleb was feeling the same way too. When Rob told him that there was no school this morning he just cried and cried!
I can't believe how much snow there is! I am hoping that we take advantage of it and get out there but I just don't want to get cold.
Try to have a great snow day!

Rachel said...

We beat you on going to bed early in new years. I was down and out by 9! Rob and I didn't even try to do anything special.
So you guys are doing beekeeping now? My brother-in-law did that until he discovered he's allergic to bee stings! The main thing he learned was not to take too much of the honey or you'll starve your bees. Good luck with that!

mamma locks said...

Great Resolutions. "Embrace" fits you very well, I don't think you'll have a problem with that. Are you serious about bee-keeping? COOL! I love that you have chickens. I'm very jealous Rich says no way hosay. I've been buggin him about it for about two years now. Although Aaron (Janae's hubby) wants to too. Maybe we could shack up together. he he! Well our chickens could anyways. :o)

Traci said...

that is way too funny we picked the same word for the year! i hadn't read this post, but now i have!!!
let's EMBRACE this year!
take care-