Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hazel Turns One...and 9 days

Our little Hazel who graced this world one year ago...

I'm sorry you had to spend your first birthday in the same place you began your life...
I didn't realize that you wanted a giant gorilla cage and my undivided attention for three straight days. Had I known, I think we could have arranged something at home. Instead, you were blessed with a lovely nose ornament and some extra rich oxygen...what more could a one year old want?
Finally after an extended long sick streak in our household, we decided it was time to give you a true 1 year old birthday party...albeit nine days late. Poppy helped to build a chocolaty beehive with tasty strawberry bees (they were the only part you would really end up eating, so I'm glad you approved of them).
You didn't like the feeling of having your clothes off...or the cold frosting. But you decided to give it a few tastes after eating a couple of the bees.
Poppy, the baking apprentice, was eager to lick the beater.
It was sooooo nice to have you back to your playful self.
I'm not sure what you enjoyed more, the balloons or the wrapping paper? Too bad we can't wrap a hospital bill for you to open. Don't worry, when we get it we will let you open it as a late birthday present.
You haven't decided that you want to walk yet, which is perfectly fine by me, but your are certainly perfecting your standing abilities! Poppy on the other hand is mastering the blowing of balloons.Oh, little Hazel!!! How I adore you and your little chipmunk smile!!! I can't believe you are one.
As a means of documenting your little quirks here is a short list of some of your developments:

You can stand, although you prefer to crawl, especially with things in your mouth or while holding the items and crawling with your hands full.

You have mastered the stairs, both to the sun room and the long set downstairs. You find great delight in your newly acquired freedom (I do however, have the right to block such passage to avoid you playing with the dog food...sorry)

You LOVE animals and you have mastered the dog and bear sounds and can give them on command! SOOO cute. Your little belly laugh every time you see an animal of any variety makes me chuckle. It actually was animal books that kept us sane while in the hospital...I was grateful to find the animal channel on the Television when they came and woke you up at 6am to weigh you. (We seriously need to teach hospital staff the importance of baby schedules!!!) The monkeys on T.V. kept you from pulling your nose piece out for about 30 minutes.

You have learned quickly the art of manipulation of your siblings, and your new-found screech that demands what ever it is you are currently wanting...not so attractive, highly obnoxious, but seems to be effective (note to self: figure out how to curb this behavior, especially at 2am).

We polished off the last of your birthday antibiotics and you seem to be healthy and well. You are one sweet baby that the entire family adores you...even smiley. I only have one last about we give up the nursing?


Rachel said...

Isn't it crazy that all these little girls are going to be (and are) 1 ?!? Happy Birthday Hazel! I'm sorry to hear she's been sick. What happened?

Jen said...

Happy birthday Hazel!!! A year already??? So sorry she was sick. :(. Not fun. She looks happy and incredibly cute!! And you look fabulous, Colette!! I'm glad to know the screech demand exists outside of our house...

Traci said...

Can't believe she is already one! Her cake was adorable!
Glad she is feeling better too, not a fun way to celebrate a b-day!

Suzie-Q said...

oh my I can't believe it! Happy Birthday little Hazel.
I'll call you as soon as we get home to make sure we are still on for Visiting Teaching next week.

Betina said...

I'm so glad she is feeling better. I love that girl. Long distance love.