Five Years ago at this very moment I was sitting in a recovery room admiring the little hands and feet of our little Oscar. I remember thinking that he had a great head! The perfect side profile, identical to his dad's. He was such a pretty baby (I'm not bias...Poppy wasn't as well defined and proportioned as lil'O). One thing was for sure and that was that Ricky and I were so excited to have our boy. I don't think that has changed. Him and his daddy are still like two peas in a pod.
I can hardly believe he is five! I know we hear that all of the time, but it is sooo true!
Some time warp has taken place and left me with this adorable, smart, funny, quirky little boy who thinks he is full time super-hero, part time boy and brother.
That was then...
This was Monday...Oscar's Progressive birthday. With daddy being out of town today, we celebrated his birthday on Monday. I made a smokin' volcano cake, and Oscar got his new bike.
Road rash won't spoil this boy's enthusiasm. He begs me at every down-time moment to be on his bike. This boy was born to ride! I can't help but want to just squeeze him and snuggle him...He is after all still my little boy.
Such a cute little boy! I remember after having Will how bad his head was-not a good profile at all. Good thing his tumor went down :)
Oscar is a great kid. I love that he and Eden are friends, there are not many boys that Eden can tolerate :) They like to play pretend together, she told me that yesterday he was Superman and she was Supergirl. I hope they can continue a healthy boy/girl friendship, I think this is good for kids if it can be done.
Also, the run was GREAT yesterday! I felt so good all evening! Thanks for coming out. Another Wed before school is out you should come out and we can do the Green Hollow ride.
I still remember being scared of baby Oscar. So little...
That's a sweet bike.
And that volcano is awesome! (Anything that involves dry ice is awesome on my account...)
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