Tuesday, June 10, 2008

*&$%# SNOW!!!!!

Do these peonies look happy to you??? Yeah, they look like how I feel about this snow storm!
My poor, poor garden!
This was before the weighted collapse.
Oscar and Poppy were excited to get the snow gear out again.

For the record today is in fact JUNE10th! My tomatoes that I have painstakingly taken care of since February, are in the ground. The basil was going nicely and it was finally looking like we might actually get summer...
I have had a cold for the last couple of days and in my sickly-sleepy brain I heard Rick tell me to look outside...It's snowing!!!!
I seriously was hoping that I was still in dream world, but alas I placed my spectacles on my face to discover that is was in fact SNOWING!
After trying to find some plastic to rescue the poor plants, I ended up using our bed linens, a kiddie pool, gunnie sacks, and anything I could find to try to protect them. And when they were finally caving in from the weight of the snow, I had to come up with plan B. I began using buckets from the garage (which I should have thought of in the first place!) and removing heavily weighted bed sheets.
I don't know if I was able to save them...I know there are definitely some that I could not save or cover. I just hope that the majority will pull through! I have a feeling that our local nurseries are going to find a bunch of tomato plant customers in the next few days.

Now, I hesitate to even say this out loud for fear of being cursed...but please, please, please, I AM READY FOR SOME WARM WEATHER!!!!!
I want to leave the snow clothing in the cupboard for at least 4-5 more months. I want to place the snow shovel in the very back of the shed and I don't want to see it for a very long time!!! I want to lay by a nice warm pool and watch my kids play in the water. I want to see big healthy tomato plants growing in my garden, I want to ride my bike without getting my feet wet! I want to wear flip flops and shorts without freezing my extremities...is this too much to ask?????


Old Warrior said...

Stinkin' global warming.....
Sorry about the cold snap. We got it this afternoon, and are predicted to be in the 40s tonight--snow in the mountains, but not on our 'matoes. Hope the heat happpens soon.
I think I'm going to have to talk with Al about this!

Mr. Gore said...

Mr. OW, the appropriate term is "climate change," which, as the name suggests, does not necessarily entail an even and uniform temperature increase.

Old Warrior said...

Yes, the PC term changes to fit the conditions--wait, isn't that the defining attribute of "PC term"? Kind of like the king in the Little Prince...
Didn't we almost elect you king some years ago?

anna jo said...

wow. it's june 10th. snow? really?? wow.

don't let my husband see this... he would be so jealous. I think he secretly (or not so secretly) wishes it was winter all year long. he even likes when it gets dark early. crazy!

JoAnna said...

SSSSAAAAADDDDD!!!!!!! I am so sorry to see your yard and garden's freezing state... I unfortunately didn't get to put my garden in this year due several other priorities at the moment... but I hope next year I will and that then (when next year does come) that mother earth will decide to have seasons that come in order... like she used to...

Traci said...

Ok, that is just uncalled for!!!
We have been having extremely hot and humid weather here! Too hot for school even!

Rachel said...

So glad I was out of town to miss that day! We missed you in Primary today. It just isn't the same w/o you!

Lisa B. said...

Dang snow!