Friday, June 27, 2008

Summer Break!

The past two weeks of summer have been jam packed with all the fun we can stuff into a day.

Picnics at the parks...

Playing by the Poppies...
Biking all over town (notice the new member to the bike family! By new blue commute about town bike!)...
Hiking at Klemgard Park
Hiking at Kamiak Butte,
Playing with baby goats at our friends farm,
Daddy's been kissin' the lamas...
Klemgard park hiking
Poppy Playing at the park
This is all unorganized and mush mashed together...and it doesn't even include pictures from the frog pond, the library, the movies, the farmer's market, the walks for ice cream, etc. That is because it is too much work to re-format it all and to get it all on here. Suffice it to say that we have been so busy lately that I haven't had the energy to post much. I'll try to do better.
Oh, and I have been taking an adult "Hip Hop" class this week and have been refining my dance groove! :0)


Beth said...

What great fun!
A HIP HOP Class!!! REALLY! That sounds fun!

Jen said...

you guys always have the best summers! :) sounds like fun! there's a hip hop hustle class going on at the base, but alas- this booty isn't shakin' at it- maybe once k starts preschool. :)

Old Warrior said...

Yea summer! ...and is the Rickster also participating in the hip hop? If not, he should re-consider...he will thank himself later in life

Traci said...

What summer fun! Glad you are able to enjoy it all too! Brandon just got a commuter bike to ride to work too!
Hey- the hip/Hop class sounds fun, hope you post some video or pics of you!!!