Sunday, May 10, 2009

In Light of Mother's Day...

Grandma Dilworth (my mommy and Hazel)

I love to see the grandma's holding my babies...something about how the cycle of life continues on. I'm continually reminded that the most influence i will be able to have in this life will be to the children I raise. I truly hope I don't break them!!!!
I love this picture of Ricky's seems like it is taken at about the same phase of thier life as where We are right now. Oncea gain that cycle of parenting...

Oscar's school play was today and it was great to see such a fun little fairy tale theater. He was one of the woodsmen who save Little red Riding hood and the grandmother. The best part was when Little Red and the grandmother went to give him a hug...he turned away. It was great!

O-Man with the flowerpot he decorated for me in school...
Two months old! I love the fuzzy hair that is all coming in buzz style.
Poppy has taken to the big sister role quite naturally. Poppy is a natural leader. I'm beginning to learn that I have to work with each of my kids individually...she is one I'm still trying to figure out. Her drive for life and enthusiasm is great. I really love her sparkly fun personality.
Great Grandma Dilworth...the woman who taught me to draw and love the scriptures, among other things...
To all of our mommies and grand mommies, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! thank you for all that you have done for us!!!


Maren and Blake said...

I can't believe Hazel is already 2 months. It just seems like she was born yesterday. Poppy is one spunky girl, but she is a joy to be around.

The picture of your mom & Hazel is so cute. As well as Oscar holding the pot. You and Rick have such cute kids.

Suzie-Q said...

sounds like you had a great Mother's Day. so many fun memories of mothers.
Oh and just a reminder tomorrow- we are visiting teaching at 9:30. don't forget!

Jen said...

what great pictures. and how fun to see yourself in the same stage of life as rick's mom in that picture.

i think you totally hit on it with poppy- that girl is going to move some mountains. you just have great kids all around- and hazel is adorable!!! i love that she's getting that fuzzy hair!! :)

the herd said...

Hazel looks so big already! She is such a pretty baby!

Happy Mother's day to you!