Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mom my face hurts...

That was how Poppy greeted me this morning at 6:30 am. Because I was still in bed, without glasses, it took me a minute to figure out that indeed her face was all swollen and red.
Later she would tell me "My face feels crunchy"...
After a little dose of Benadryll not doing the trick, and little blisters beginning to beginning to form, we made a trip to the Doctor's office. He said it looked like she had touched something and then her face, multiple times, and her skin was reacting to it. He prescribed some steroid cream and tonight her face is looking much better...but still a bit crunchy.
We are still trying to figure out what she touched...probably a plant in our yard. I guess we will just see if it happens again.
Poor pop's she looked so sad all day. She was however a sweet girl all day and we even went out for ice cream and dance class...what a trooper. I'm still a bit shocked that the Benadryll didn't knock her out...


Jen said...

oh poor girl!!! wow- i wonder what she got into!!! kellen's face erupted into purple and then bumps after sunscreen again...i have to find what he's NOT allergic to. thankfully he said it didn't hurt. but wow- crunchy. that had to hurt. :(

and she's benadryl-resistant?! good to know in case you ever needed to use it for off-label purposes. :)

Allison said...

Poor Poppy! I've never seen her look so sad!

Looks like you guys had a fun time in Spokane. Love that city!

Maren and Blake said...

That does look pretty bad. It's more annoying not knowing what cuased this. She is so cute with her scrunchy face.

Suzie-Q said...

Oh no!! Is it only on her her face or do her hands have some of it too?

I hope you find out what it is before it happens again too bad.
It drove me crazy when Chloe broke-out like that and we had no idea what it was from.

Traci said...

yikes! hopeyou can figure out what it was so it doesn't happen again!
thank goodness for modern medicine too!
take care poppy!