Thursday, May 3, 2007

Embracing Avacado!

Tada! Here we have the new and improved Avocado Kitchen decor. Looking at the top left corner you will notice the sweet, vintage, light fixtures we inherited with the house. Along with the lights, we have the avocado counter tops to boot!
When one is placed in such an environment, they have two choices...A. Convince the husband that the light fixtures and counter tops must GO! Or B. she can Embrace the Avocado!!!!
Here you can see my completed curtains along with the lovely chocolate colored walls.
I think I really like it...Ooops...did I say that out loud????
I have included a picture of the "knobs" I had ordered...After Painting them to look like the actual knobs I ordered...this is what the finished knob looked like. (No need to fear, I called the knob company and they said they would give me a discount, considering the knobs looked quite different than advertised.)
So, there you have it...looks a bit like minty chocolate!


Abby Norman said...

Sweet. I wish I like avacados now.

Traci said...

I love it. Glad you decided to embrace the avacado! This is Traci Bayley, by the way, Brandon's wife.

mamma letty said...

Traci I'm so glad to hear from you!

mama rhodes said...

You are my idol in interior design. It looks awesome.

Tanner's Tales said...

I love it! Where did you get the pattern?

mamma locks said...

What a cute concoction of colors, I would have never put milk chocolate with avacado, but Letty your never surprising creativite touch came through as usual.
ILOVE IT! Hey are you still painting? you should post some of your art.

mamma letty said... has been some time since I have picked up a paint brush for anything besides the fac painting at our ward did make me remeber how much fun it was. Maybe after I finish training for this marathon. mamma locks I admire your ability to balance motherhood and art.