Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Note to self...

When purchasing an item on-line and from the UK...It would be smart to note the exchange rate from pounds to dollars before purchasing said item. Rather than having the husband get the credit card statement and ask "how much was ___ item?" Only to find that it was double what I thought it would be.


Abby Norman said...

Oh no!
Are you talking about the chocolate we got for Dad?
I should've pointed that out to you....

mummy said...

I can't tell you how many times I thought I knew the price for something only to get to the cash register and realize it was so much more. The problem with me is I'm too stupid or weak to say I don't want the item when checking out. Usually we learn from mistakes but many times in my case I forget what I learn and make the mistake over again! I especially make the mistake of ordering from magazines and in my mind I think it will do something or look like something but when I get the item it is totally not what I expected. I have usually overestimated what it will be like.

mamma letty said...

Yah it was dad's chocolate...however, I'm not sad that we paid double for it...only that, had I realised the actual price I would have just bundled up a bunch of awesome chocolate and sent it his way!!! That way he would have recieved much more than what he will get with the Note to the OW: This was by no means a complaint about said product...only that I'm not as bright as the other Edgie light bulbs in the family!

OW said...

And we all know that the English pounds will covert nicely to OW pounds when the chocolate arrives!