Sunday, May 4, 2008

Super Daddy

Super Dad Saves the Day!
Yesterday while a group of mommies were out doing their annual Mom day ride, Ricky the super dad took on four extra kiddies for the duration of the day(8am-5:30pm).
Not only did he play, feed, nap, and care for them. He made sure that each were tuckered out, tired and down right ready for bed at the end of the day.
Ivy who recently does not like to be out of her mommies presence, was even swooned by his charm and was a good little girl throughout the day.
Poppy was happily covered in dress up clothing, thanks to the helpful Eden. Kellen, Oakley and Oscar all seemed to love going to the swamp and playing outside all day long!
Rick really does have the knack for kids. He knows just what they like, and how to really connect with them. I am do grateful for his loving care and attention that he so freely gave yesterday, so that the other two moms could come along on the ride.
Boy I love this man!!! He's Amazing!


Betina said...

Wow. That is such a great picture of Rick. Who is your fabulous photographer?


Thank you so much.

Jen said...

Thank you thank you thank you to Rick! Seriously, that was the greatest day and Kellen slept like a ROCK from the time he got in the jeep until I had to roll his little body out of bed for church. :) Priceless!!! The boy needed some male bonding time and between Rick, Oscar, and Oakley, I think he got his fix!

Traci said...

That is so awesome!!! Way to go hubby!

Old Warrior said...

That young man either has a decent gene pool, or was raised right...
Sounds like y'all had f-u-n.

Old Warrior said...

That young man either has a decent gene pool, or was raised right...
Sounds like y'all had f-u-n.