Saturday, April 4, 2009

Grandma K

One of the tests before Ricky married me was to meet Grandma K and to see what she thought of me...When we walked into her house she greeted me with a smile and a hug and I knew that I was in. From that moment I was blessed to have known such a fun, interesting, and quirky woman.
I loved to visit with her and see her insight and perspective on things. I loved to see her hold my babies and rock them back and forth and pat their little chins with their blanket. As they got bigger she would wrap little handkerchiefs so that they looked like they were a cradle for a baby and she would show them how to rock it.
I have so many fun memories and am grateful that I had the chance to know her. I'm going to miss her contagious smile and laugh.
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Maren and Blake said...

She sounds like an amazing woman.

mama rhodes said...

I forgot about the baby in a cradle trick!

Suzie-Q said...

What a wonderful lady she must of been.