Sunday, September 23, 2007

Seasonal Sampler

(Poppy donning her fall fashionable layers...really she asks to wear a jacket ALL of the time...Just like me! She also isn't afraid to wear a mommy shirt as a skirt!)
With 61 degree temperatures (in my house) greeting me each morning, I am reminded if the seasonal change that is taking place around me. Forcing me to adorn myself with multiple layers of clothing in an attempt to conserve my precious warmth!! Blasted cold weather! I know, I know, it is only going to get colder...I need no reminder...It is just that summer went so quickly, and now, I find myself scrambling to soak in the last bit of sunshine and green that I can before the doom and gloom arrives!
On one cloudy morning this week, Oscar exclaimed "mom I wish there was no such thing as clouds!" My response was, "well, if we didn't have clouds we wouldn't have snow to ski on or rain to water our plants." To this Oscar replied, "I wish the stars would rain or snow so it would never be cloudy."
Yes, He must be my sun loving child...
Oscar also began fall soccer, this could be one of the saving graces of fall transition. It is very fun watching our little tike run on the field (mainly in the direction of the wrong goal) full of excitement. He really is liking soccer, even if the logistics of what the game is all about, are still quite unclear!
Ahhh...another good thing of fall...TOMATOES! Yes we are basking in the remaining abundance of tomatoes, that is until the first frost. Above is the latest canning success! The recipe comes from Betina by way of her friend Beth Moxley...

makes 10-11 pints

20 C ripe tomatoes, Italian plum type work best, peeled and chopped
3 C chopped onions
2-3 chopped green peppers
3-8 jalapeno peppers, chopped, the number depends on how spicy you like your salsa! (NOTE: wear rubber gloves when handling these peppers, the oil and juice can burn your skin)
1 C vinegar
3/4 C sugar
2 t dried chili seed (sometimes it's called crushed (not ground) red pepper)
1 t cayenne (this is the ground red pepper)
2- 12 oz cans tomato paste
parsley and cilantro to taste

Put all together in large kettle. Cook over low heat (simmer) to desired consistency.
Process in water bath canner: 30 minutes pints; 40 minutes quarts

***NOTE: Can just quarter un-peeled tomatoes and pulse a couple times in the food processor. I use 3-4 jalapenos, it's spicy enough for Roy.

(I did not "cook down" the salsa previous to the water bath and it turned out really pretty and not to mushy...I also would decrease the amount of sugar by a little bit and add a few extra jalepenos for the hubby)
Oscar, who doesn't like salsa, tasted some and liked it so it is a yummy kid-friendly version. Rick and I devoured a half-pint in just a few hours....very tasty! I plan to make another batch this week.
And just in case you thought that our Kindergartener had out-grown the Super-stage, don't worry...he still isn't afraid to strike a pose! In fact Poppy now will ask Rick and I frequently if there are "Bad Guys coming"...She can be seen trailing along with Oscar in Super hero play...I suppose they too are prepping for the up-and-coming indoor play...Goodbye Summer 2007!


mummy said...

how about the Indian summer-it'll still come. I like it the best because everything has already frozen so there is no work but all play in just the right temps. Ok, there is alot of work cleaning up the annuals and perennials, trees and bushes and leaves.

mummy said...

Letty-we don't have an old tiller. That was the point of a new tiller. The old one broke down after about 18 years. We used Mama's smaller one for a couple years but she like us to keep it cleaner than we are inclined to do, so we needed a different one.

mamma letty said...

I had forgotten that it was grandmas...oh yes, I remember now!

Abby Norman said...

That makes no sense...why should a tiller be clean? Doesn't it play around in the a pig?
Maybe you should rent a bunch of pigs and pen them in the garden. They'll till it for you.

Abby Norman said...

Sorry. I start reading the comments, then I get really off track of why I even wanted to leave a comment in the first place...

I think Oscar and Poppy are adorable!
I'd love to watch the kids play soccer...
And be superheroes...
Goshdernit! Why can't I live closer to you guys?

Jamison Fischer said...

You had your chance, abby. Just think, some nice easy WSU-style swim workouts. No sweat and you're the fastest one on the team...

Jen said...

poppy is so cute- what fashion sense! :) i can't wait until kellen is old enough to do the soccer thing- he's going to love it! i think half my primary class is on the same team or plays each other on saturdays!!