Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Last night at dinner we were finishing off with some tasty fresh pineapple (My Dr. Informed me that it was supposed to promote luck) when the following was discussed.
Rick: "Look guys what is this?" (he shows them the tiny little seed stuck to his pineapple)
Oscar: "A pineapple seed"
Poppy: "Are you going to grow a pineapple in your belly?"
Mom: "Hey, maybe that is what's growing in my belly...Should we have a pineapple instead of a baby?
Poppy: "No way Mom!"
Oscar: "Yeah! I think that would be better"
Poppy:"Am I going to grow a pineapple in my belly?"

Hummm...what would you choose?


Maren and Blake said...

pineapple is pretty dang good and doesn't poop and cry at you. Tough choice.

Rachel said...

Though I imagine pineapple would hurt more to deliver. All those sharp spines.

mama rhodes said...

having an older baby who giggles tops a spiny pineapple any day.

Nedge said...

Hmmm...I was thinking of porcupines for some reason... Definitely the baby in that case!

Jen said...

that cracks me up! :) i did not know that about pineapple, by the way! i've craved it this whole pregnancy and so far, he's staying put, but low... maybe he'll be a little earlier!

ash said...

Baby wins, hands down. Being sick and uncomfortable for a pineapple? No thanks.

Suzie-Q said...

You can't snuggle with a Pineapple, and it will go bad sooner or later, at least with a baby you can snuggle and it won't go bad on you!

I don't think you ate enough! you should have some everyday!!

the herd said...

That's great! Funny! I used to wish a whole chicken would grow in my body. USED TO!!!

Tanner's Tales said...

Guess what we talked about tonight at dinner? Pineapples growing in our bellies! We had fresh pineapple, and Willie pointed out the seed, so we got talking...anyway...same conversation, except the part about giving birth to a pineapple...