Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bumps and Bruises

Lately the Pops has been sporting some nice shiners...She suddenly has entered this really clumsy stage (I'm pretty sure this was inherited by her auntie Meg).

Just this morning, she took a header off the slide (to which I am still pulling out dirt boogers), banged her head on the car door, re-scratched a bug bite (that since Monday has had her eye partially obstructed). These added quite nicely to the prior bruise from pulling her high chair on herself.

All day it seems I hear this shriek of excitement...followed by the cry of pain. She's certainly trying to expand her boundaries... and she isn't even two!!!

She's also developed a healthy appetite! She actually ate almost the entire corn.


Abby Norman said...

Yes, she is definitely following in Megan's footsteps. Those are some sweet bruises! Maybe I'll go find a high chair and say I got the bruise from water polo...

mummy said...

Nice bangs!

Tanner's Tales said...

Hey, I wasn't clumsy! Ok, ok, so I still am, I just don't bruise as easily.