Signs you are "in training" for a marathon or other long-range exercise goal:
1. Rug burn in unsightly places (thus finding new uses for butt paste and Vaseline).
2. GU, electrolyte, hydration, fatigue, Ibuprofen, Ice, bands, stretching, water etc... become common conversation topics in social situations.
3. You own more exercise gear than regular clothing, your laundry consists on more athletic gear than regular clothes, and you spend your discretionary play money on running/exercise equipment (i.e. shoes).
4. Black toenails and blisters on your toes...Oscar told me the other day that I had old feet!
5. You are so tired at the end of each day that you vaguely remember hitting the pillow!
6. Suddenly, when running long distances with gas, a full bladder or other bodily behaviors you otherwise would try to contain or hide...your mind no longer cares who or what is around (and when desperate, leaves are a necessary alternative to TP).
7. One develops an intense uncontrollable appetite. Thus, you invent creative meals consisting of various carb-full meals. Such as, the night before your 18 mi. run, a great carb-load dinner can be oatmeal and raspberries!
8. Distance becomes begin to think things's only a 10K or half-marathon.
9. You are always certain to get one annoying song in your head that somehow won't go away. Baby beluga frequents my running routines (this may be because I'm a mom??). The other is annoying songs from high school (why do they surface during exercises?).
10. You plan every vacation around a running, cycling, or athletic event! The fun of it all, is that it gives you something to work for!
Now, because of 5. I will leave you to think of some pillow is calling...
I wish I could boast and say I know exactly how you feel. But swimming is very, very different from running.
However, college may give me a greater insight to the joys (or pains) of training so hard...
Your post reminded me of "tear-down" training in swimming: the essential 6 weeks that are extremely eat all you can, sleep all you can, and hurt all over...
Only a half marathon???
i recognize so much of this! i end up with wiggles songs in my head, though- very annoying when listening to an ipod!
you should try body glide for any "rug burns" you might have. it works wonders!
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