Monday, March 10, 2008

Absent minded...or just busy.

Blessing or curse I am one "those" people who see something and say..."oh I can do that". Which I probrably can, but because I'm not an expert it takes a bit more time than say, someone who actually CAN do it. I then add it to the list of things I am already doing. I also fall pray to underestimating the amount of interrupted time it takes to do each project. Just to give you an idea (and for me to keep record) here is a list of things that are currently on my to-do list:

-Finish painting living room (although I am now 3/4 way done)
-Finish painting kiddie table/chairs
-Figure out a way to disguise computer in the living room (make more usable)
-Paint picture frames/planting table/coat rack and drop leaf table
-Paint railings in and out, also paint the out-door light fixtures
-Paint front door (take off screen door)
-Get rid of couch in basement that I was going to reupholster (got newer ones so I don't have to). -Get seeds started (Check)
-Paint Poppy's bed (switch her to bed from toddler) Paint some butterflies on the wall with some clouds.
-Finish painting the pic for the kitchen
-Work on plan for raised beds
-Thank Husband for enduring my never ending list of projects.
-Finish one project at a time (this is the hard one).

This my friends is the reason for my blogging absence. Not that a million different blog posts have crossed my mind and camera...just lack of motivation to actually do them when I have so many other things to work on.
As for the lent-observations, recipe updates, and other things that are on my blog-to-do list...they will come in time.


Old Warrior said...

Hey--keep that project list unfinished--Mama is anxious about finding something useful to do so we won't just be in the way when we come up in a couple of weeks. I'll bring my bike shoes and pedals so I won't get underfoot....

Betina said...

You have a lot of painting on your list!

I can't wait to see the LR!

Traci said...

Wow! Impressive list. One day at a time is what I always say! Good Luck and you better post pics when you are done with your projects too!

Jen said...

holy cow!! i definitely want to see what color you decided on for the living room! you are totally brave to paint. i left town while shane did it!!