Christmas Day walk. I tried to get my kids to look at the same time, and smile, and this is what I get. I think they get this cooperative behavior from their father.
Poppy is loving her new set of "silkies" sent by grandma Edge. She loves putting on multiple layers and using them for all sorts of baby/toy things.
Oscar has been going crazy over his new science kits, cars and of course anything that Poppy received. I even have a great video of him dancing with her new ballerina doll. ( I was trying to post it and am having trouble. Maybe later I will figure it out.
Oscar also wanted to try out dad's new puzzle. He is the versatile gift kid. Anything that is new, must be explored!
Poppy received her first scooter. The only down side is that she won't really get to use it until spring. In the meantime she makes the rounds about the house.
Overall we had a fun filled Christmas that was very laid back.
The kids are loving their loot and I am about ready to pack up all of the Christmas stuff. Yesterday I loved it. Today I feel crowded. Tomorrow may be the end of Christmas at our house.
What a great Christmas. Sometimes it is fun to have a battle wound.
I packed up our tree a week before Christmas..We did spend the week at Mom and Dad's, and I didn't want to come home several days after Christmas and clean it up...What a Grinch!
Our slim decorations were gone the day after Christmas. Our tree was the white Oleandor I brought in for the winter. Big fat scrooge but I enjoyed the family visiting and playing and such
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