Tuesday, November 7, 2006

It's my birthday!!

It was my Birthday today and Oscar decided to throw me a tea party. This tea party consisted of the following: Water, china, and some year-old candy canes. It was delicious!

Poppy enjoyed the candy cane immensely. She has developed quite the sweet tooth. During the Halloween party she could be found racing to any unattended bucket of candy. She also knows where we have placed Oscar's Halloween stash and she will grunt and point in it's direction (she has very strong non-verbal communication skills). I guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree! Candy anyone?

Rick and Oscar went birthday shopping at lunch today and came home with some down booties, chocolate, and cheese! Three of my favorite things...something cozy, chocolate and cheese. Life is good! Posted by Picasa


Old Warrior said...

Happy B-day Mama Letty. Wish we could be there to party with you all. Keep enjoying the kids, chocolate and cheese, and, yes, life is good.

Abby Norman said...

Happy b-lated b-day! Cheese is good. MMMM...

A. Buchanan said...

Dude down booties! I just got some for Mt. Rainier! They are the coolest thing ever!