Today while walking home from dropping Oscar off at school this poor garbage truck was having a tough time making it up the big fountain is a seriously steep hill (which we walk up and down both way to school). This picture was of his attempt #2 to make it up the hill. If you enlarge the picture and you will see that he has his reverse light on. He finally made it on his third attempt.
Ah, winter inthe Palouse! Let your fair city know that we have an abundance of salt here--could send some up to spread on those inclines...
yeah, all we get is gravel! They have been plowing which is some improvement. We think it may be that they got a new budget for the year or something! :0)
You have so much snow, it looks fun. With all those lentil hills around you should strap those skiis on and get some for Oscar and go ski the Palouse!
i'm noticing they are skimping on the gravel around these parts lately. i don't understand why they didn't just level the town when they were building it! honestly- it would cut down on the cost of barricades on half the streets during the winter!!!
i always hold my breath on garbage day and pray they make it down our street- once they said they would have to skip us and come the next week and i knew that would drive me to stealthily dumping trash in other locations or piling it up in my garage. one cannot go 2 weeks without a pick up with a child in diapers!
poor garbage man!
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