Thursday, January 3, 2008

LIma beans

"Mom can we have Lima beans for dinner?" Says Oscar two days ago...
Last night we had them and I will say that he liked them and ate a whole bowl full. It is so funny to me the things that he likes when he sets his mind to it...unlike the very delicious chocolate chip pancakes this morning (he ate cereal instead!). Go Figure.


Jen said...

lima beans over chocolate chips?! something is very wrong. :) how you get your children to eat things that are good for them is a mystery to me- kellen prefers artery-clogging foods to veggies...unless it's broccoli.

mummy said...

I fixed an onion soup recipe that was pretty good. You carmalize a red onion in a little olive oil and put it in a quart of tomatoes with a little garlic and a can of broth. Boil that a little and put it in people's bowls. In the middle you put a dob of pesto made with pinenuts, olive oil, cilantro and white raisins. I think I added a bit of red pepper of course. Tonight we had tuna sandwiches. You mix the tuna with humas, spinach, gratted carrots and some cumin. I thought it was pretty good. you are supposed to dip the outside of the bread in whipped egg and brown the outsides. It turned out like eating tuna on french toast. I didn't like that so much but I did like the tuna mix. I think you could eat it like a salad and not even put it on bread

mummy said...

Maybe you spell humas with 2 m s?
With just one m it looks like some sort of human defacation.

Mamma Letty said... make me laugh

mummy said...

I see that you spell it-hummus. This is not to be confused with humus which is the biological part of compost. Also not to be confused with homas which are small scale pujas. Especially don't mix it up with homos which would be a huge politically correct mistake. Other spellings of the food are hamos, houmous, hommos, hummous, humus and don't forget Karthiks Mustache

Mamma Letty said...

mummy you are so funny!